Maplestory Mini-Game
HTML CSS Materialize JavaScript Node.js Express Socket.IO


Omok and Match Card mini-games built with Node.js, Express, JavaScript, and designed with HTML, CSS, Materialize. Like in the actual minigame from Maplestory, there is a small chatbox for players to message each other. Currently, the chatbox feature and 2-player game connection is being implemented with socket.IO.

Maplestory Omok | 메이플스토리 오목

Maplestory Match Cards | 메이플스토리 같은 그림 찾기

Maplestory Omok | 메이플스토리 오목

Omok (오목 [五目]) is a 2-player traditional Korean game similar to connect 4. Players take turns placing their respective pieces on a board and the first to connect 5 in a row horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or antidiagonally wins. There are four board themes for this game.

Maplestory Match Cards | 메이플스토리 같은 그림 찾기

Match cards is a 2-player matching game with a deck of 30 cards. Players are given a second glimpse of the randomized arrangement when the game starts. Players take turns selecting two cards and if they match, the player receives one point and continues guessing until they get a mismatch. There is only one theme for this game.